Thursday, December 9, 2010

My Latest Work!

That's me painting the Subway restaurant windows at Fort and Foul Bay Road in Victoria.

This is what they look like from outside.
Santa and Rudolph
Some kids making a Sub Snowman!

the third kid eating a subway sandwich and hot chocolate.

Next I worked on the Stadcona Subway Windows

When I was painting these windows I was asked to paint a window at the Oak Bay Pharmasave!
 I'll share that one soon.

Here are cards I designed for Victoria Opportunties for Community Youth Leadership (VOCYL)
They are for sale if you contact VOCYL

This card was designed for the Queen Alexandra Foundation

I also did a pet portrait for friends- this is "Bowker"


  1. Wow Gen! I love your window paintings! Thanks for sharing your recent work on your blog

  2. What a tremendous artist! (Just my unbiased, professional view)Chuck

  3. Gen, you are so talented! Wow. What a gift you have!
    Jill Sing

  4. Thanks for sharing. Love the Puerto Vallarta and it is so hot here. One forgets about the cold and rain one must return to (after gloating and chortling about the poor people up north!!!)

    Nancy Q

  5. I am so impressed. What a great job. You are an awesome artist. All the best to you and your family at this holiday season fondly, Flo-Elle

  6. Hi Gen! Awesome paintings you do! You really have great style and love how you worked some subs into those paintings for the Subway. Will be curious to see what you'll do for the Pharmasave! Congrats on those jobs!
    Have a happy holiday!

  7. You are such a talented artist Gen! I think that everybody who sees them will smile - that is the true spirit of Christmas! All those smiles are a truly marvelous gift. :) Congratulations once again and I am happy to hear that it is leading to other opportunities for you too!
    Happy holidays :) :) :)

  8. Gen! What an amazing job you have been doing!! I had heard you were going to paint the windows at your Subway and I popped in the other morning and took a look, they are great! Post more pictures when you get a chance and have a very Merry Christmas!


  9. hey Gen, wonderful to see you putting your creative edge out there... you must feel so good! Keep up the fantastic job prettying the city for the holidays, you have a real touch!
    Love Teresa and Angelina!

  10. wow gen i am amazed in your art work its very fun and captures the spearet of christmas and the speret of the stores you drew on. Hope you had a great christmas and u enjoyed your gifts ^.^
